Carissa Joy, CSCS
Faith. Family. Fitness.
Carissa Joy: Faith. Family. Fitness.
As a WBFF Pro Fitness Model, Promotional Model, and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Carissa Joy believes in Faith, Family, and Fitness.
About Carissa
As a WBFF Pro Fitness Model, promotional model, and personal trainer, I desire to team up with fitness related brands and companies where I will have the opportunity to help inspire and motivate others to be pro-active about their health and challenge them to take their fitness to the next level.
Weight: 108 lbs
Height: 5′ 1½”
Bust: 32B
Hips: 33″
Waist: 23.5″
Eye Color: Blue
Shoe: 5.5
Hair length: Long
Hair Color: Blonde

Curious about how this busy beauty tackles everything from motherhood, fitness, and overcoming obstacles?
Check out this interview from Bulk Hackers to learn how she does it all.
Experience and Accomplishments
Photo shoots with photographers from around the country, including Noel Daganta, LHGFX, Greg Burns, and many others.
Education & Certifications
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA (Sept 2010)
Adult CPR/AED, American Red Cross (Dec 2011)
B.S. in Business, with Accounting emphasis
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (Aug 2004-Dec 2006)
Summa Cum Laude, GPA: 3.949
2014 Experience
Upcoming feature in Shape Magazine… TBA 2014
Cover Model/Story – Healthy Coloradan Jan 2014
2013 Experience
Interviewed with David Naster for his series, “You Just Have to Laugh”
Examiner article: “To Hell and Back”
2012 Experience
Featured on Castle Rock Radio with Healthy Coloradan
Pro debut against the best of the best Pro Fitness Models in the world at the 2012 WBFF World Championships (Aug ’12)
Wrote “My Living Nightmare” published in Fit & Firm Magazine –
(Dec ‘11/Jan’12 – p.10)
2011 Experience
Promotional Model for 360 Events and Promotions (Apr ’11-present)
Competed in the WBFF Fitness Atlantic Championships (Apr ‘11):
1st place – Fitness Model Diva Short
Earned WBFF Pro Fitness Model Status
Yeah New York Magazine feature
“Carissa Monroe: A Fresh Face in the Fitness Modeling Industry”
Top Shelf Brand Ambassador
(Jan ‘11 – May ’11 – discontinued after accident 5/16/11)
Classic Mustang Cause Calendar Girl (months of Apr/Oct ‘11)
Proceeds benefiting the Medicine Horse Ranch
Ms. World Physique (won the title in Nov ‘10)
Photo shoot and feature in World Physique Magazine (Spring 2011 issue)
2010 Experience
Ms. World Physique (won the title in Nov ‘10)
Photo shoot and feature in World Physique Magazine (Spring 2011 issue)
Competed in the Figure portion of the 2010 NPC Hard Nutrition Natural Colorado Open (Oct ’10):
2nd place – Open Figure A
2nd place – Novice Figure A
Female Winner of Fittest Body 2010 – Models Health (Oct ‘10)
Featured interview on and photo shoot in London with renowned photographer, Luis Rafael
2nd place, Summer Abs Contest – Models Health (Oct ‘10)
Timothy K Miller Sculptures Life Model/Physique Reference:
Wonder Woman and Supergirl for DC Collectibles
Lara Croft for Sideshow Collectibles
Lady Death for Sideshow Collectibles
X-23 for Bowen Designs
Zing Salon Project (Apr ‘10)
No Mercy Extreme Fighting: Annihilation 23 Ring Girl (Jan ‘10)
Learn about the Do’s and Don’ts of Carissa Joy’s modeling and fitness competition industry from her blog.
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Debunking weight-loss myths
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8 Reasons to Compete
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Dieting “Fun” – Eating for Competition
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Got Confidence?
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Perfect Posing and Grace in Heels
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The Accident: My Living Nightmare
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